Kebelakangan ni, jiwa aku tak berapa nak tenteram. Macam2 benda yang aku fikirkan. This pain has made me a paranoid. All the symptoms I have clearly shown that I might be dealing with cancer. Too soon to predict, Salisa. But I couldn't stop thinking that those attacks might have something to do with it. I have checked my insurance coverage on Cancer, alhamdulillah it is still active. Oh ya, I need to check nama waris for my group life insurance and EPF as well. Not so much, but insyaAllah cukup untuk bayar hutang2 aku, especially kereta kesayangan aku tu.
My auntie died due to colon cancer. My husband's previous wife died because of breast cancer. My beloved husband died due to rectum cancer. My cousin has been diagnosed with early stage leukimia. Or maybe I am just being too worry. Aku risau, kalau aku sakit, aku tak susahkan sesape ke? Duduk kat spital, sape lak nak jaga makan minum Kimi?
Aku tak risaukan diri aku, sebab aku tahu setiap penyakit tu adalah ujian dariNya. Yang aku risaukan, orang2 yang disekeliling aku. Mungkin ramai yang kata, aku dah sombong sebab jarang2 join forum. Aku pun kengkadang tak jawab email, Friendster, Facebook. Aku mintak maaf bebanyak. Keadaan tak mengizinkan aku untuk buat banyak perkara.
Aku tak sempat nak jadik ibu yang baik. Aku takde zuriatku sendiri yang nak doakan aku kalau aku dah tak ada nanti. Apa2pun... aku mohon seribu kemaafan seandainya aku melakukan kesalahan terhadap kalian.
Salam Ramadhan.
Bila Allah Menguji...
7 years ago
LISA.. hidup kita ni bila kita rasa indah, tiba2 lak rasa singkat...
ReplyDeleteapapun hidup ni memang indah bila kita tau apa yang kita lakukan..
Salam kemaafan juga dari MokYang.. jika ada masa, jengah la kami..
btw.. plan nak gathering Raya dah mula dirancang.. Harap2 Lisa leh join lagi kali ni...
Lisa, mengingati mati tu kan wajib. Insyallah orang yang ditinggalkan akan meneruskan kehidupan seadanya.
ReplyDeleteKau pun jangan terlalu sedih dan menggengam kenangan lalu sampai tak tiris. hidup perlu diteruskan walaupun pahit
Anywhere i follow your article,concerning diseases CA or cancer,with part affected doesn't matter.In this case what we concern is how to avoided it happened or occur.THE BEST THING IS THE WAY YOU TAKE A FOOD/LIFESTYLE SHOULD BE CHANGE.Avoid take oily food,fastfood especially western.important is take decoction food,low salts,frm swk [iz]
ReplyDeleteto avoid that ca or cancer occur what u can do is change your lifestyle regarding the way food intake.No oily food , meat ,do exercise ,sleep in time no lately-what i view from your blog your keen to fast food ,in american that one the factor occur this diseases.more to vegetable decoction.[iz]
ReplyDeletelife must go on , don't just waiting for agony to touch you.that not the way live in this beautiful world mostly we are in paradise of Malaysia.Lisa enjoy / smile always that a original medication for sickness.[iz]